Treat each other and all staff members with respect and kindness. Any behavior considered disruptive/ disrespectful, speaking rudely, using profane language, or negative comments a is considered improper conduct and is grounds for immediate termination of your enrollment.
Dress Code
Students should always present a professional image. Professional students are required to wear black scrubs that can be found at any uniform shop and Master students may wear scrubs of any color (no patterns or prints). Student uniforms must always be clean. Long hair must be worn pulled back and fastened and not able to fall forward when you bend. Fingernails must be moderately short and well groomed. White or black tennis shoes or flats are best. White laboratory coats are recommended but not required.
If a student does not attend theory during your designated theory block, that student may not clock in or complete practical during that time.
Clients and Models for Practice
Clients are not provided by the school and students are required to bring in their own clients in order to complete practicals. All students are required to be models for make-up, facial treatments and waxing unless there is a medical reason. You may invite your friends or family to receive student services at the current student pricing. All students are required to perform practicals on the public.
All smoking must be done in designated areas outside the building. Breath sprays or mints must always be used instead of chewing gum. Gossiping or negative comments will not be tolerated.
The refund policy applies to all terminations for any reason. If a student maintains unsatisfactory grades or academic progress, he or she may be dismissed from the program. The school may immediately terminate a student’s enrollment for noncompliance with General Policies; the signed enrollment contract; State Laws and regulations; Improper conduct; Any negative/disrespectful comments; Behavior that is considered disruptive or any actions which could cause bodily harm to a client, a student, or employee of the school, injury to the school’s reputation ; willful destruction of school property; theft/any illegal act.
Attendance, Absence and Hours Policy
Student’s required hours of attendance are delineated in the student’s enrollment contract. It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to and ensure that contracted hours are met weekly. Students are only permitted to attend school during their regular contract schedule and may not graduate earlier than the current contract end date
Any time missed will be made up after the contract end date, during the student’s regular contract schedule. Graduation will be delayed until all hours are made up and all program requirements completed. If your attendance falls below the minimum requirement of 80% attendance, you will reach maximum time frame and extra instructional charges (as discussed in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy) of $250 per week will apply until you graduate or withdraw. These extra instructional charges will take effect after you have reached maximum time frame at 750 scheduled hours.
When a student must miss school, absences should be both valid and verifiable, i.e., illness, bereavement, etc. All students should notify the Institution if they are going to be late or absent as soon as is possible. It is the responsibility of the student to complete assignments and any material covered during the absence. A leave of absence may be granted at the discretion of the school director, provided the request meets the requirements outlined in the Leave of Absence Policy. Leave of absence requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Absences in excess of 14 consecutive, calendar days will result in withdrawal from enrollment. In the event of withdrawal, tuition balance owed and/or any refund due will be calculated per the Refund Policy signed by the student in the enrollment contract.
All requests for a Leave of Absence must meet requirements outlined in the Leave of Absence Policy. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office in advance and must include the reason for request, the start and approximate end dates of absence, and the student signature. The Director of Education will issue final approval over all leave of absence decisions. A request for a Leave of Absence may be rejected if required information is missing or the excuse is deemed invalid. Please refer to the Leave of Absence Policy in the student catalog and at the http://www.chrysm.org website.
Tuition must be current. If a student’s tuition is in arrears, attendance may be prohibited until tuition is made current. The CFO will provide statements showing amounts and date due to cash-paying students. If tuition is not paid by the due date, students may lose clocking privileges is current.
Clocking and Attendance Adjustment Policy
Attendance and clock hours completed are tracked by students clocking in/out via fingerprint scanner located at the front desk. Students are responsible for clocking in when they arrive for class and clocking out when leaving the building. Students must be clocked in to track their attendance accurately and are responsible for clocking in, clocking out, and confirming that the time scanner registered their clock in/out accurately. School staff are not responsible for ensuring students are clocked in and out. In the event of a school error or a system outage, attendance will be adjusted with a completed Attendance Adjustment Request. Forgetting to clock in or clock out is a grave offense. Adjusting attendance due to a forgotten clock in or clock out is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In the event of a forgotten clock in/clock out, to retain the hours that the student claims to have completed, the student must: • Have an instructor, lab assistant, and/or school official able to vouch for their attendance AND • Schedule a meeting with the Financial Aid Office to state their case and if approved, complete an Attendance Adjustment Request Form If a student does not meet all of the above criteria, hours will not be granted due to insufficient documentation proving their attendance. The school will not adjust attendance without the documentation listed above.
Video Surveillance Policy
Video surveillance cameras are installed throughout the campus and regularly monitored for safety purposes. There are surveillance cameras in the main downstairs lobby, the break room, locker room, theory room, and the master practical room. Every room that has video surveillance does have some sort of sign or indication that the room is monitored.